
Thursday, April 29, 2021

আমাদের কবে হুশ হবে


পড়লে লজ্জা পাবেন।
জাপানে রাস্তার মোড়ে মোড়ে কোনো মসজিদ নেই, রাত জেগে ওয়াজ নেই, নসিহত নেই, ধর্মীয় স্কলার নেই, মাজার নেই, ওরশ নেই, পীর নেই, মুরিদ নেই, কুতুব নেই, আবদাল নেই, তাবলীগ নেই, আমরা শ্রেষ্ঠ জাতি বলেও কোনো কিছুই নেই। এগুলো ছাড়াই জাপান একটা সুশৃঙখল জাতি।
গত ত্রিশ বছরের মধ্যে কোনো দূর্নীতি নেই, কোনো ঘুষ নেই, কোনো ধর্ষণ নেই, স্কুলে কোনো ছাত্রকে বেত্রাঘাতের রেকর্ড নেই। কোনো কাজের জন্য কোনো ফাইল আটকে পড়ার নজির নেই। কারো সুপারিশ ছাড়া কোনো ছাত্র স্কুলে ভর্তি হতে পারছেনা, কারো প্রমোশন হচ্ছেনা- এমন দৃষ্টান্তও নেই। দলীয় ভাবে জাপানের কোনো বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে কোনো শিক্ষকের নিয়োগের নজিরও নেই। রাস্তায় পড়ে থাকা বুভুক্ষু মানুষও নেই। আছে শুধু কর্মনিষ্ঠা, শৃঙখলা।
ভূমিকম্পের সময় সব খাবার ক্যাম্পে রেখে দেয়া হয়েছিলো। নিজের প্রয়োজনের চেয়ে বেশি কেউ একটা রুটিও নিয়ে যায়নি। ত্রান কেন্দ্রে একজন প্রহরীকেও পাহারাদার রাখতে হয়নি। লাইন দাঁড়িয়ে সবাই যার যার মতো প্রয়োজনীয় খাবার নিয়ে গেছে। লাইন দাঁড়ানো শেষ ছেলেটির হাতে খাবার প্যাকেট দেয়ায় -সে সেই প্যাকেট আবার লাইনের সামনে রেখে এসেছে। যদি তার সামনে দাঁড়ানো কারো খাবার কম পড়ে যায়।
জাপানে কোনো কালো বাজারি দ্রব্যের দাম বাড়িয়ে মানুষকে জিম্মি করেনা। কেউ খাবারে ভেজাল মেশায় না। রাস্তাঘাট গুলো এতো ঝকঝকে পরিষ্কার। নিজের চেহারা রাস্তায় দেখা যায়। শুধু বয়স্ক কিংবা যুবকরা না একজন শিশুও জাপানের রাস্তায় যেখানে সেখানে ময়লা ফেলে রাখেনা। কোনো প্রোগ্রাম এক মিনিট দেরিতে শুরু হয় না। এক মিনিট ট্রেন লেট করেছিলো বলে - পত্রিকার পাতায় ক্ষমা চাওয়া হয়েছিলো।

টেকনোলজি আর ডেভেলপমেন্টে জাপান পৃথিবী থেকে দশ বছর এগিয়ে আছে। পুরো পৃথিবীর খাবার ফুরিয়ে গেলেও জাপানে আগামি ত্রিশ বছরের জন্য খাবার মজুদ আছে। বোমায় কয়লা হয়ে যাওয়া জাপান পুরো দুনিয়ার গাড়ীর বাজারে নেতৃত্ব দিচ্ছে। অথচ, জাপানে ভার্চুয়ালি কোনো ন্যাচারাল রিসোর্স বলতে কিছুই নেই।
জাপানের মানুষের মাঝে আছে শুধু বিনয় আর বিনয়। আর ক্ষমা প্রার্থনা। অবসরে যাওয়া জাপানি প্রধানমন্ত্রী বারবার বলছেন- কি করতে পেরেছি তার জন্য দয়া করে গুণ কীর্তন করবেন না। বরং যা করতে পারিনি সেটার জন্য ক্ষমা প্রার্থনা করছি। দু হাত একসাথে করে- জনগনের সামনে মাথা নীচু করে- (যেটা জাপানি কালচার) - বারবার ক্ষমা চাচ্ছিলেন জাপানের বিদায়ী প্রধানমন্ত্রী সিনজো আবে।
সামনে রোজা আসছে। দেখবেন রোজার আগমনে অন্যান্য মুসলিম দুনিয়া শান্ত হয়ে আসছে। মানুষের মাঝে একটা ভাবগম্ভীর পরিবেশ তৈরি হচ্ছে। কিন্তু আমাদের দেশে শুরু হবে কেনা কাটার মচ্ছব। যার দুই কেজি পিঁয়াজ দরকার সে কিনবে বিশ কেজি। যার এক কেজি চিনি দরকার সে কিনবে- দশ কেজি। এমন করে খাবার মজুদ করা শুরু হবে - যেন সারা বছর না খেয়ে ছিলো। রোজার পরও আর কোনোদিন খাবার খাবোনা। দুনিয়ার সব খাবার এই ত্রিশ দিনেই খেয়ে শেষ করতে হবে। এই সুযোগে পবিত্র রমজানের ব্যানার টাঙ্গিয়ে দ্রব্য মূল্যের দাম বাড়িয়ে ব্যবসায়ীরাও অপবিত্র কাজ করা শুরু করে দিবে।
আমাদের মোড়ে মোড়ে এতো এতো মসজিদ, মাঠে মাঠে এতো ওয়াজ, গলিতে গলিতে এতো মাজার হওয়ার পরও পরিবর্তন হচ্ছে না কেন? ধর্মের দোষ দিচ্ছিনা, মসজিদেরও না, মাজারেরও না। শুধু আত্মসমালোচনা করছি।
মহান আল্লাহ তা'আলা আমাদের আরো বেশি বিনয়ী হওয়ার তৌফিক দান করুন, আমিন। (সংগৃহীত)

Friday, April 9, 2021

Desktop computer Engineer Specialist Work Explanation

 Need some Desktop Support Engineer

Desktop computer Engineer Specialist Worker need for USA All-state 

Fahmida Nazneen

Finance & Partner Management

M: +4917676496077 || T: +4966217092140

Brink Str: 3 || 36251, Bad Hersfeld || Deutschland

The Connecting Tomorrow IT UG in Germany needs some  Desktop Computer Engineer from the USA all States. 

All of us are looking for a solution-focused Desktop computer Assistance Specialist to supply the workers along with hands-on, organized assistance. The actual Desktop computer Assistance Specialist ought to obtain IT-related issues, after which go to identify as well as resolve these types of problems. It's also wise to make sure the standard upkeep in our THIS national infrastructure.

To achieve success like a Desktop computer Assistance Specialist, you ought to be highly trained within the fitted as well as maintenance associated with computer systems as well as their own systems. An amazing Desktop computer Assistance Specialist may evaluate pc skills in most person, after which go to customize their own providers inside an appropriate method.

Desktop computer Assistance Specialist Duties:

Advising personnel upon suitable methods with regard to pointing their own IT-related inquiries as well as suggestions.

  • Receiving as well as recording demands with regard to assistance.
  • Deciding upon the best option methods for supplying help.
  • Delivering THIS as well as associated help on ask for, or even while you consider appropriate.
  • Configuring brand new desktop computers, routers, modems, as well as comparable products.
  • Performing regimen home inspections as well as maintenance associated with current installs.
  • Updating pc os's along with another essential software program because required.
  • Substantiating demands with regard to equipment as well as software program buys as well as 

Updates, in the event that suitable.

  • Providing recommendations upon suitable instruction with regard to personnel.
  • Desktop computer Assistance Specialist Needs: 
  • Associate's level inside computer-centered self-discipline.
  • A relevant College level is actually highly favored.
  • An experience like a Desktop computer Assistance Specialist or even equal.
  • Familiarity along with just about all TeamViewer features.
  • Capabilities required to provide in-person as well as remote control THIS help.
  • Fantastic setup, analysis, update, as well as repair capabilities.
  • Excellent up and down as well as horizontal considering.
  • Superb period administration abilities.
  • Clear created as well as spoken conversation.
  • Forbearing, versatile, as well as encouraging.

Desktop computer Assistance Abilities

Like a desktop computer assistance professional, you have to be a specialist technologies issue solver, while you usually invest your own times:

  • Determining problems
  • Fixing difficulties
  • Upgrading techniques
  • Setting up brand new as well as improved equipment as well as software program
  • Troubleshooting computer systems as well as fundamental systems
  • Recording techniques

Together with everything, a person assistance the actual THIS division within numerous methods. However, there’s much more towards the work compared to specialized abilities. Exactly what non-technical, “soft” abilities individual an excellent technical assistance professional through only a great.

Best Characteristics associated with Desktop computer Assistance Technical engineers

Excellent Conversation Abilities. Because the work phone calls that you should use a wide variety of kinds of individuals, probably the most useful abilities you are able to have is actually a chance to connect with every client upon his / her conditions, inside a vocabulary these people realize. A person should also understand how to request the best queries to get at one's heart from the issue to get this resolved.

Social Issue Resolving. The positive method of resolving difficulties is really a should. For the word “customer service” in order to center as well as consider the actual effort upon issue quality, you are able to solve difficulties rapidly whilst making the most of effective utilization of your own company’s processing assets.

Capability to Function inside a Group Atmosphere. You need to accept employment in the group environment, observe your own teammates because essential gamers as well as, whilst supplying all of them assist as well as help, additionally credit score all of them for his or her achievements. Indeed, desktop computer assistance is really a technology placement, however, it’s truly regarding assisting individuals.

Advanced schooling. Invest the required time for you to revise as well as improve your own fundamental technology abilities. Discover all you may regarding your own business — your own curiosity about as well as an understanding of the actual company’s objective, as well as objectives, enables you to an invaluable organization resource. Certain a person don’t need to have the lawful level to operate technology assistance from an attorney, however, the much more you realize the company, the greater you’ll have the ability to prioritize your own duties and supply positive assistance.

If you wish to stick out like an experienced desktop computer professional, create the abilities which enable you to get the status to be responsible, persistent, truthful as well as good-natured — quite simply, a powerful as well as strong dedication in order to customer support. 


Tuesday, March 30, 2021



I am an SEO professional a Digital & Affiliate Marketer. I am an expert on total social media marketing, & others SEO issues. 

Read All Bangla News Paper  

I will do YouTube promotion and Channel Monetization to the large audience

Category: Digital marketing  

Subcategory: Social Media Marketing> Social Media Management 

Video Marketing > Video Promotion & Distribution 

Search tag: subscriber, video SEO, video promotion, organic, viral video, YouTube monetization, Channel Promotion  

Service type: We provide professional, organic youtube video promotion for organic growth and better engagement. Our main goal to reach your video content to a worldwide audience as much as we can. Working methods we follow are 100% organic, so you can relax your channel and videos are safe.

Note: Promote only one video for each gig package.

Platforms we use: We mainly use Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter as social referrers.

Working method: 

We will share your video on different pages/groups of ours on various Social Media platforms, with huge numbers of dedicated members.

Run a PPC add campaign & web 2.0 blogs

  • We will post and share your vide0 Facebook Video related fan page, Vide0 related blogs, and communities
  • We will share your video, related Blogs, and Communities.
  • We Use the Top Social media Platforms Like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
  • Also, create high authority Backlinks, it will boost ranking.

Additional Benefits: 

  • 100 % Organic and Real Method
  • 24/7 Customer support 
  • Delivery on time 
  • Increase your Popularity on YouTube
  • Organic real active worldwide audiences
  • Fast and Friendly Communication
  • 100% money-back Guarantee

Platform Type



How to Create and Monetization  from YouTube Channel  Beginours Gide 

Create YouTube Channel – size 2560* 1440 pixel 

2. Design Logo – 500* 500 pixel 

3. Channel Art Design – 2560* 1440 Pixel 

4. Watermark Setup

5. Custom Channel> Size – 1280*760 pixel > Basic Info> Description Setup- Published 

6. Profile Photo – 800*800 Pixel 

7. Social Media link- Ass link- Published

8. Add Business Email – Add Email> Published

9. Channel Tag Setup> Add tag> Published

10. Upload default

11. Playlist Create

12. Switch Account> Customize Section Create

13.   Video Tags Setup

14. Account Verification

15. Trailer Setup

16. Monetization Button On> Ok> then Screen Shot prop By Bayer’s. 

17. End Screen Setup

18. Cards Setup  

Thank You 

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) - Any Product Online Advertising or Published

 The SEO (Search Engine Optimization) - Any Product Online Advertising or Published is the Most Common process of improving the position of organic (non-refined) search results in search engines. The more websites there are, the more people will see it.
The history of SEO dates back to the 90s when search engines were first published. Nowadays, it is a necessary marketing strategy and a growing industry.
If you want to learn SEO, you should be prepared for a lot of creative, technical, and analytical work. There are many strategies with different goals, but the main point will remain the same - to be among the highest results of organic searches.
Simply put, SEO is about running the right website for the right people.
It’s not just about any perfect structure or technical background of a website. Your website needs to be filled with quality and well-optimized content to suit the needs of your visitors. And of course, linking to other websites has to be good enough. 

·        I will create an SEO audited report and action plan and implement 

Category: Digital Marketing

Subcategory: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)> Technical SEO

Such tag: SEO Optimization, Website ranking, on-page SEO, WordPress SEO, Yoast SEO, SEO service, google top page, google 1'st page 

If you are looking for someone to improve the rank of your WordPress website then you have come to the right place.

I will run a Free Audit for your website and look for the things that are stopping it from getting organic sales and traffic. I will fix all WordPress on-page optimization issues of your site so it can index properly on the search engine.

Why Me?

I`m fully expert in SEO service. I know the secret way how to be the first page of google. So I have the hidden tricks & techniques on how to bring a website to google's top ranking.

My Service Description:

1. 100% guarantee for google top ranking

2. Facebook ranking

3. YouTube ranking

4. Permanent Link Building in the high category sites

5. Rank higher in Google Maps.

6. Social content writing

7. Checking content duplication

8. Meta description optimization

9. Image editing tag

10. Competitor analysis

Why you choose me?

    Quick contact support

    100% manual activity for google top ranking

    Effective communication skills

    Fully satisfaction

    On-time delivery

After these Technical issues & WordPress SEO Fixes your site will be 100% indexable on all search engines and start getting organic traffic, sales, and get a Top Ranking on Google.

How to learn any one SEO best trips for beginners following this: 


  • On page / Website Site SEO – Technical terms 
  • Off-Page SEO - Website Link Published/ Link Building/ Backlink Create (SMM Marketing) - Increase Visitor 
  • Advance- Page SEO
  • Advance Off-Page SEO
  • Technical terms of SEO: Link or URL or Domain Name – website Name 
  • E-commerce SEO 
  • Google Search Console & Google Analytics Advance Techniques of Implements, Analytics, Page speed insides – Yoast SEO  
  • Article Collection- Search google list of Article Collection site -  Topic Selection – Article Collection -  Rewriting/ Spinning - Spinner chief software – Link Building   
  • Rewriting/ Spinning- Search google list of Rewriting
  • Free Spinner chief software – Cents – Free Download- Install – Extract  - Run program Directly – Load Defaults – software – Operation – Auto Spine Synonym 

  • SEO Monitoring ToolsAlexa Ranking, Market Samurai, Web CEO, Google analytics, Google Website Optimizer, SEM vs SEO
  • Description: 1. Meta title 2. Product Description 
  • Article Writing, Article submission, Forum posting
  • Answer posting, Comments posting
  • Search engine Indexing, Google Indexing
  • RSS submission,  Press Release
  • Directory Submission
  • Basic Computer Office Application- MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Access
  • Basic Internet 
  • Basic Web Research, Google Advance Search 
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Taconic Method
  • Google Panda, Google Farmer,  Penguin Algorithm, Google Sandbox
  • Youtube Linkbuilding: Video Upload – Related Articles with Buyer Link Submit
  • Context per delivery SEO: 5 trips include
  •  Keyword Research
  •  Competitor Analysis
  •  Content Creation and Optimization
  •  Local Listings
  •  Backlinks from other Relevant Domain 
  • Technical Term of SEO 
  • SL NO

    SEO Item



    URL or Website Name is called Link



    DO follow Link  - Click and Open 



    No follow Link – Click and No result



    Internal Link – Website self-site



    External Link/ Outbound link - click link go Out site link 



    Inbound link- Self website link



    Outbound link – click link go Out site link 



    Link Building – Create



    Backlink Create – Another link on my website



    Anchor text- Any text with submitting another Link



    Link Building Procedure in MS word + HTML



    Page Rank/ PR + Cheek High PR Sites +4 above (1- 10)rank find Google- – Search website Name / Select Adonis software – settings – settings- Get adorns- page rank Cheekier- Install – Restart Now  



    White hate SEO – Search engine terms and Condition or Follow Rules 



    Black hate SEO – No follow SEO Rules



    Keywords – Subject Related Name / Niche 



    SERPS – Search Engine Result Pages


  •  Stapes of SEO/ Link Building/ Back Link Create with Article writing
  • SL NO

    Article Collection



    Article Collection + Spinning - 100

    Save Excel


    URL Collection

    Buyer will Provide




    With Software


    SEO Company






    Proof Submission


  •  Other Search engines Indexing: www.freewebsubmission.comwebsite – URL- Continue Submit – More search engine-
  • Bookmarking: More search engine- Bookmarking Site- list of bookmarking site- , ,, – login – submit url  
  • Pinging: search google pinging site 
  • Rss Submission:  same
  •,, .com, .net, .org - create website name Domain, Hosting- Sarver Gb – Link building - same 
  • Collect URL .gov,  : Google search with formula- , or forum   
  • Web 2.0 Link Building / Link Wheel: (high PR Site) Free site
  •  Wikipedia
  •  Squido lense
  •  Quizilla
  •  Reddit
  •  Knol 
  •  Visitor – SERPs – Ist see, Search result page Ist, Page Rank ++
  • Google Local Search with Google Maps: Search Address Name search – search nearby – restaurant –
  • Classified Ads posting: search Google classified Ads posting in Newark - I Dhaka – Robidhaka – Cell Bazar
  • Directory Submission: search google list Web directory, Yellow pages: Add your Business
  • Link exchange/ Reciprocal Link Building:
  • Press Release: Advertising Vs Press release- News related- Title- Introduction- Body – Contract 
  • SMM – purplish:
  • Business Network:
  •  Business Relation/ Professional Relation
  • Product Published
  • Job Post & Search
  • Question & Answer (Business Related)
  • Others
  • SEO tools:
  • SL No






    Anjela & Paul













  • Keywords Research: 
  • Link building: URL collection, Link Exchange- Reciprocal Link – Mutual Link Building – Angela & Paul Link Building – web2.0 Link Building 
  • Lead Generation: How to identify Leads- How to Motivate Leads, Email Marketing & mail chip, Virtual Assistant/Data Entry – Simple Data Entry – Data Collection/ Copy past Job – BPO Data Entry – Data Mining- Data Scrapping- Data Processing- Data Research- Magneto Data Entry – CRM Software- Earp Software- Data Convert
  • Social Bookmarking:
  • Google Top Ranking:
  • Classified Ads Posting/ Craigslist: 
All and other tools by using SEO any website increase any Business and Top ranking Google and other Search engine site.